3 of 4 Companies Experience Internal Information Security Incidents

How much do you trust your employees? Would you bet your company on it?

Wiling to beyCostly cyberattacks are now almost routine for businesses, but while many organizations are focusing on external attackers, its important to also look at threats from within. According to the IT Security Risks Survey conducted by Kaspersky Lab and B2B International, 73% of companies have been affected by internal information security incidents. The survey also found that the largest single cause of confidential data losses is by employees (42%).

As a company’s IT infrastructure expands, new components add new vulnerabilities. The situation is aggravated by the fact that not all employees keep pace with a rapidly changing IT environment. As a result, companies are exposed to not only external threats but internal threats from employees. This was confirmed by a recent survey of businesses that found that 21% of companies affected by internal threats lost valuable data that subsequently had an effect on their business.

The survey also reported cases of accidental data leaks (28%) and intentional leaks of valuable company data (14%). In addition to data leaks, internal threats included the loss or theft of employee mobile devices with 19% of respondents confirming that they lost a mobile device containing corporate data at least once a year.

“It’s no secret that a security solution alone is not enough to protect a company’s data. And the results of this study confirm that, said Konstantin Voronkov, head of endpoint product management, Kaspersky Lab. Whats required is an integrated multi-level approach powered by security intelligence and other supplementary measures. These measures may include the use of specialized solutions and the introduction of security policies, such as restricting access rights.”

Read the full story on securitysales.com

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